Thursday, February 4, 2016

PEC is Looking for Award Winners

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Creation Care,

This new year has already set records in areas of climate change...even recently with the most snowfall in one day in D.C. We enter into the future with unknowns and concern for the next generations, indeed for all Creation. 

And at the same time, we keep moving forward with passion and hope! We, as individuals and as community, can gain inspiration by mutually recognizing each other's work. And toward that end, PEC will gather with others in Portland, Oregon for the 222nd General Assembly, June 18 - 25, under the theme, The Hope in our Calling, (Ephesians 1:18-19).

First Pres Palo Alto receiving PEC Award in 2014
We ask for your support at GA through prayer, financial donations, through your presence, and through continuing advocacy for eco-justice. PEC members may make a positive statement by recognizing those faithful witnesses among us, and nominating them for our annual PEC Awards!

We are anxious to honor an outstanding individual with the William Gibson Eco-Justice Award or a group with the Restoring Creation Award. We are also announcing a new annual award for an Emerging Earth Care Leader, a person age 18 to 30, who may have been inspired through Eco-Stewards, as a Young Adult Volunteer, or a Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center, and who is passionate about Creation care.

As a reminder, only PEC members are eligible to submit nominations. If you are not a member of PEC, you can join or renew today. Then go to the nomination form and fill it out with your favorite awardee.

PEC will be honoring the recipients of the awards at our luncheon at GA on Tuesday, June 21 at noon at First Presbyterian Church. We encourage PEC members to nominate an individual or group...such as a church, presbytery or other faith-based organization, that has modeled leadership in eco-justice. The Steering Committee will be presenting each award winner with a free registration to our September 2017 conference at Menucha Camp and Conference Center near Portland, Oregon.*

Nomination forms are on-line. Please take a moment to review information about the awards, the Rev. William Gibson, and previous award winners here. Nominations are due by March 31.

Indeed, as we move toward The Hope in our Calling, we call upon each one of you as individuals, as community, as faithful witnesses

Come. Pray. Hope. Witness. For we are all called!!!

In Christ
Diane Waddell, Moderator

*The award will cover the registration fee but not room and board or transportation to Menucha. 

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