Dear Friends,
Presbyterians for Earth Care is looking toward GA 2014 and encourages your involvement in overtures related to environmental and social justice issues. There are

Heartland Presbytery is in the process of submitting two overtures:
1.Sustainable Development: The Precautionary Principle (the principle of ‘forecaring’.) affirms the vital importance of an ethic of responsible and moral development of consumer products. If governments/societies used the Precautionary Principle as a guide, the burden of proof of the safety of products coming to consumers would shift to the developer or corporation before the product is sent to the public. Concerns most specifically relate to Genetically Modified crops, toxic chemicals, and products of nanotechnology. Currently if a product comes to the public which is harmful, the burden of proving the harm is placed upon the individual or group in the public realm harmed. This overture "affirms the Sacred in societal and Creation care, protecting the Earth for future generations." Read about Sustainable Development
2.Food Sovereignty for All affirms the vital importance of Food Sovereignty, in which people are able to educate and empower themselves to manage their own food (and water) systems in a culturally appropriate and sustainable way, leading toward a just, peaceful, and sustainable world. This overture addresses hunger issues, unequal distribution of food and monetary wealth, water rights, land grabs, possible challenges brought by corporations, and Fair Trade (with definite concerns about the Trans Pacific Partnership free trade agreement). Read about Food Sovereignty for All
The Presbytery of Seattle is submitting an overture regarding Coal Exports to Asia. This overture would be “to affirm the decision of civil authorities to conduct a full, programmatic review and assessment of the impact of expanded coal export projects in Washington and Oregon on human health and the well-being of communities along the Northwest rail lines.” Read about the Presbytery of Seattle's overture
Additionally, PC(USA) Divest is furthering its overture on Fossil-Free PCUSA and although it does have concurring presbyteries, is looking to add to that number. PEC voted in our annual membership meeting to support their position and overture! We will be sharing our booth at GA and encourage you as individuals,

congregation, and presbytery to research and support Fossil-Free PCUSA!! Read about this overture here.
PC(USA) has information on how to submit and concur with an overture. If you have questions or comments and/or would be interested in concurring with an overture, please contact the PEC coordinator, Tricia, who will forward your email.
Strength, courage and wisdom as we care for this Sacred Earth,
Diane Waddell
Earthkeepers of Heartland Presbytery
Presbyterians for Earth Care
Creator God,
Give us the passion to carry forward to our governing bodies the words so carefully crafted in these overtures. Give us the energy to change how we think of energy, food and protection from corporate negligence. Help us to put attention on these four overtures thatawaken us to deep places of pain on this gift we call Earth.
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