Dear friends,
You may have been hearing the term divestment a lot recently. Divestment from fossil fuels is increasingly up for discussion in many institutions, especially houses of worship.
PEC membership, at our annual meeting at Ferncliff on Oct 18, voted enthusiastically to support the work of PCUSA Fossil-Free (PCUSA Divest).
We encourage you to talk with your General Assembly commissioners about divestment and begin a conversation in your congregation and presbytery.
We will share our booth at General Assembly with PCUSA Fossil Free and will work to encourage the work of and PCUSA Fossil-Free.
Divest & Reinvest Now! is GreenFaith’s campaign to support fossil fuel divestment and reinvestment in a clean energy future by faith communities. Presbyterians for Earth Care is a proud co-sponsor of this campaign!

Here are two great ways to engage members of your faith community and introduce them to this growing movement:
- Offer a sermon on fossil fuel divestment and clean energy reinvestment.
- Have a discussion on the topic with your members.
To help you get started, GreenFaith provides free sermon tips and discussion materials on the topic.
They'll also give you a free copy of Moral Ground: a new collection of writings on religion and the Earth. Simplyrequest your free copy by sending GreenFaith the date of your sermon or discussion.
On top of that, GreenFaith is offering two prizes of $250: one prize for the best sermon, and one for the best discussion, on fossil fuel divestment and clean energy reinvestment. GreenFaith will announce the winners and runners-up on June 15, 2014, World Environment Day.
Presbyterians for Earth Care is a proud co-sponsor of the Divest & Reinvest Now Campaign's initiative to promote sermons and discussions by faith communities on divestment and reinvestment!
Presbyterians for Earth Care is a proud co-sponsor of the Divest & Reinvest Now Campaign's initiative to promote sermons and discussions by faith communities on divestment and reinvestment!
It’s time to step forward. Schedule a sermon or discussion today, and invite members of your wider community to attend.
When it comes to the planet’s future, this is a key moment. Will your faith community rise to the occasion?
Diane Waddell and Sue Smith
PEC Moderator & Treasurer
Dear Lord,
Bless and energize each of us as we find our voices, speak our terrible truths, and humbly lay hands to the work that will mend what we have done to your good earth. Send us your prophets who will speak to our fossil fuel misuse. Forgive us for our overindulgence in carbon. Let us remember that it is you who are the light of the world—not our human created bulbs shining from a million sockets.
Thank you, dear God for your words, given each week to congregations across our land. Give us ears to hear “what the spirit is saying to the church today”.
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