Friday, September 13, 2024

Visits with Local Schools and Agriculture Projects - Kenya Post #4


Obwolo Secondary School student assembly

Obwolo Secondary School was our first stop on our Wednesday visiting tour of several public schools who have participated in God’s Green Resourceful Earth tree planting projects on their campuses. We were overwhelmed by the gracious hospitality of the school staffs and the earnest attentiveness of their students.  

Renja Secondary School

Nyakakana Secondary School

Bishop Tom has worked with more than 30 secondary schools in the Nyanza Area to teach the students about caring for God’s creation.  Discussion of the importance of trees came up at each school assembly we attended.  Kenya currently has forest cover of only 8% nationwide, but established a goal in 2022 of 30% forest cover within ten years. The school students clearly understood they are the hands and feet of God in achieving this goal.

On Thursday, our group loaded the van and headed into the countryside, where we hiked to the six acres of land being cultivated by GGRE for sugar cane, maize, and vegetables.  Through a grant from the Power of One non-profit organization, the land has been leased as a regenerative agriculture demonstration site.  

One acre of the leased land is located adjacent to the
Nyando River, which will be a source of water for a vegetable garden once a new water pump is installed. The vegetables harvested from the garden will be donated to the local elderly population, as well as sold in the market so that profits can be reinvested in additional seeds.

A visit to beautiful Lake Victoria for a meal at an adjacent restaurant completed our day.

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