Introducing New PEC Steering
Committee Members
Committee Members
PEC is pleased to announce Barbara Chalfant as the new Central East Regional Representative and Dave Wasserman as the new Southwest Regional Representative. Also elected to another 2-year term are Moderator Dennis Testerman, Treasurer Sue Regier, and Northwest/Mountain Regional Representative Paul Heins. They were elected by the PEC membership in July and Barbara and Dave started on the Steering Committee in early August. We are grateful for the 6-years former Central East Regional Representative Nancy Fayer served and the 2-years former Southwest Regional Representative Jill Slade served.
Barbara Chalfant is currently the Associate for Mission for the Presbytery of West Virginia. Her responsibilities include ministry to older adults, peacemaking, social justice, hunger action and disaster response. She is a graduate of Union Presbyterian Seminary, a certified educator and holds a certificate in older adult ministry from Columbia Seminary. She has served congregations in Virginia, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania. She is a curriculum writer, artist, singer, and is prone to bouts of laughter. Having seen the direct effects of bad environmental stewardship as she works in disaster ravaged communities, Barbara has become proactive concerning environmental issues, human caused disaster and damage, and working to reverse climate change. She can be reached at
Dave Wasserman (Rev. Dr.) retired from active ministry in 2013. He has served as a county jail chaplain, associate pastor and new church development pastor twice (with his wife Marney). For 25 years, Dave continued in Administrative service as a presbytery executive in Michigan, Oklahoma, Texas and Arizona. Since retiring, Dave’s ministry has focused on earth care education and advocacy. Last year, his latest book Riding the Blue Marble was published. His sailing days showed him the coral bleaching in our seas, and life in the mountains has unearthed the challenges of drought, fires, and methane release. Dave enjoys music, woodworking, photography and walking/hiking. Dave can be reached at
We also appreciate the continuing work of Vice Moderator Bruce Gillette, Southeast Regional Representative Tama Eller, Northeast Regional Representative John Preston, and Midwest Regional Representative Rick Person. Presbyterians for Earth Care is governed by a Moderator, Vice Moderator, Treasurer and six Regional Representatives who are limited to serving three two-year terms. Elections are held annually with half the steering committee being elected each year. One of the benefits of being a PEC member is the privilege of voting in these elections.

We also appreciate the continuing work of Vice Moderator Bruce Gillette, Southeast Regional Representative Tama Eller, Northeast Regional Representative John Preston, and Midwest Regional Representative Rick Person. Presbyterians for Earth Care is governed by a Moderator, Vice Moderator, Treasurer and six Regional Representatives who are limited to serving three two-year terms. Elections are held annually with half the steering committee being elected each year. One of the benefits of being a PEC member is the privilege of voting in these elections.
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