Thursday, March 21, 2019

Renew and Rejuvenate

April 2019

Dear Fellow PEC members and friends,
It is time to renew our membership in Presbyterians for Earth Care and time to renew and rejuvenate our commitment to care for our creation. If you are new to Presbyterians for Earth Care, we invite you to become a part of a national network of Presbyterians and other people of faith who want to make creation care a central concern of the church.

PEC is a small organization in numbers, but it is mighty in its potential to move our denomination, the PCUSA, toward being the prophetic voice that our country needs to save what St. Francis called our Mother Sister Earth.  Think of a lever and a fulcrum.  Using this basic tool, a smaller organization like PEC can move our large denomination toward doing what we know our Creator is asking of us. Our commitment to advocacy and education is a powerful tool for change.  We can be the lever that moves the PCUSA into prophetic action.
Our Creator is asking us to speak with the voice of prophets to address the global crisis that is threatening our earth. We are asked to speak truth to power and to live out God’s message in the creation. “God saw everything God had made, and indeed it was good.” By joining together, we can be the lever that moves our congregations, presbyteries, synods and our whole denomination toward proclaiming with God, indeed it is good.
Please prayerfully join with us as members of Presbyterians for Earth Care. Urge your congregations to join. Speak to your family and friends in coffee fellowship and ask them to join us in becoming the prophets we all are called to be. Please renew your membership today by using the form at the bottom of this letter and mailing it with your check in the enclosed envelope.You may also renew your membership online at April 22. 
Thank you for your commitment and support.

Yours in Earth Care,
Dennis Testerman, PEC Moderator 

P.S. PEC’s 2019 Conference, Peace for the Earth: from the Bible to the Front Lines,is August 6 – 9, at Stony Point Center on the Hudson River in New York state.

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