Dear friends,
"We belong to the earth far more than it can ever belong to us. We—God, humankind, and the earth—are tied together. We have no life apart from this Trinitarian interdependency and we are called to care for the earth as if we are caring for ourselves and our Creator. The health and well being of one—be it God or humanity or the planet—is dependent on the health and well being of the others."
These were the words of my friend, the Rev. Jay McKell at a gathering of environmentally-minded people this spring at Village Presbyterian Church of Heartland Presbytery in Kansas. "We are to have dominion in the manner that God has dominion over us. In other words we are to heal, to help, to teach, to guide, to inspire, to create, and above all else, to love." Amen.

There is MUCH going on in creation-justice work. General Assembly is scheduled for June 14-21, 2014, in Detroit, and PEC is working to support social and environmental justice overtures. Beginning this General Assembly, overtures brought forward by a Presbytery will need another Presbytery to concur with the main overture statement, although the rationale can be different. Please see Holly's article, 'Upcoming Environmental Overtures' on page 4 regarding current overtures, and reply to our PEC coordinator if you are interested in more information about any of these upcoming overtures.
We welcome our new coordinator, Tricia Bruckbauer. PEC contracts with Creation Justice Ministries (formerly NCC Eco-Justice) as we share a staff member, a fellow from the Lutheran Volunteer Corps. (See Tricia’s brief bio on page 6.)
We are looking forward to a very meaningful PEC conference at Ferncliff in Little Rock Arkansas, October 16-19. The theme for the conference is Ethical Earth Care: Keeping Creation Sacred. Elspeth Cavert, our previous PEC coordinator, has accepted the position of conference coordinator. She joins a team of visionaries, musicians, and prophets to lead us in a wonderful experience in sharing our passion and expanding our vision in Creation Care.
Please be in touch with us regarding your work in earth care as we join together "to heal, to help, to teach, to guide, to inspire, to create, and above all else, to love" this beautiful gift of creation. Feel free to check out the entire Fall update here!
Peace and passion,
Diane Waddell, Moderator. Presbyterians for Earth Care
Holy One, you are the page and the ink! You are the mystery and the reason for our organization/organizing. May we listen to your urgings. May we delight in your creation! Most of all may we be servants of Christ and stewards of all your wonders.
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