Dear Presbyterians for Earth Care members,
I hope your summers are off to a great start! Just a friendly reminder that there's still time to register for our 2011 Faith and Environment Conference August 31-September 3 at Highlands Conference Center in Colorado. Registration costs $150.00. You can find more information about the conference here.
We are in the process of putting the next PEC Update together. I invite you to take a sneak preview of our next update. Earth Covenant Ministry founder Rev. Allen Jenkins submitted a book review of The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder. Author Bill Brown will be a plenary moderator and worship leader at the conference.
Yours in Stewardship of Creation,
Jenny Holmes, PEC Moderator
Preview Excerpt from Upcoming PEC Update
A review of The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder
390 ppm of CO2, oceans’ Ph levels, Darwinian evolution, toxicity rates of the world’s aquifers, soil depletion, biological diversity, EPA air quality standards...Those of us called to eco-justice ministry know that such scientific concerns are essential to comprehending the signs of the times. They inform our response to the urgent calling of eco-justice ministry. Awareness of such issues as ecological tipping points and thresholds of the land’s carrying capacity provide foundation for our living and spreading the Good News for all God’s created order.
Yet from here we stumble upon a key question :
Given the sciences’ importance for informed eco-justice ministry, how, then, do we faithfully straddle these two worlds of science and Bible, worlds so perilously at odds in the modern era?
In The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder, biblical theologian William P. Brown takes on this monumental question in a disarming, invitational form that provides an empowering foundation for a serious integration of science into the life of faith. To say Brown qualifies for the task understates his credentials. He is an ordained minister and Old Testament professor of Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia who is not only a ‘scholar’s scholar’ sought out to present at institutions across the country and the globe but his is also a leader in the greening of campus life and an accessible Sunday School teacher.
On a further note of personal privilege, I am most thankful for his active leadership on Earth Covenant Ministry’s steering committee, for whom he graciously presents to congregations of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.
Fortuitously, Bill Brown is this year’s plenary moderator and worship leader for our PEC conference (August 31st – September 3rd). Are you registered?
- The Rev. Allen Jenkins, Founder of Earth Covenant Ministry
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