Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Sustainable Living
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Healthy Buildings, Healthy Planet
We Are All Plastic People Now: A Documentary of Global Concern
Dear Senators and Representatives,We have just seen the documentary “We Are All Plastic People Now.” We are deeply concerned with what is shown in it for human beings as well as for wildlife. That’s why we’re seeking your support for the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act (S. 2337, H.R. 7634), reintroduced by Representative Mike Levin (D-CA-49) in 03/12/2024, which would stop the dumping of plastic nurdles into our waterways and their spread into more expansive environments of life on Earth.Nurdles are tiny plastic pellets that form the raw material for plastic manufacturing—these little bits, like 99% of all plastics, come from fossil fuels. Because nurdles are small, cheap, and easily contaminated, they’re often dumped by plastics manufacturers or spilled during transport. In the United States, clean water organizations and volunteers have documented pellet dumping and spills in Texas, S. Carolina, Pennsylvania, and beyond. A study of 66 beaches in the Great Lakes region found 60 percent contained nurdles.Once plastic enters our waterways, it is easy for animals to mistake it for food. Eighty kinds of seabirds and every sea turtle species have ingested plastic, and concentrations of microplastics have significantly increased in freshwater fish in the Chicago region. Animals who eat plastic can starve to death, and plastic pellets can also absorb toxic chemicals, including DDT, PCBs, and mercury. It’s easy to see that easy pathways are open to include human beings.Plastic pellets are extremely difficult to clean up once they reach our waterways, and often, polluters are not held accountable. One example: In Louisiana, 743 million pellets were spilled from a container ship in the Port of New Orleans. It took weeks to begin clean-up while agencies and companies debated who was responsible, by which point a local expert estimated as many as 75 percent of the pellets had already swept downstream.We need to protect clean water and put wildlife and human beings over waste. The Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act would do just that by banning the dumping of plastic pellets into our waterways.Congress must act before the problem gets any worse. Pellets dumped into our waterways are contaminating the streams and rivers Americans enjoy for fishing, swimming, and recreation, and an estimated 10 trillion plastic pellets flow into the ocean each year.We urge you to support the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act to protect, in short, our lives!Signed by our group
Life After Doom: Wisdom & Courage for a World Falling Apart (Book Review)
Bryan McLaren relates a scary story, not ripped from the headlines of any Trump presidency, but years before in 2004. He was invited to a presentation to evangelical leaders on climate change. One speaker, Sir John Houghton, was a brilliant climate scientist and an evangelical Christian. McLaren describes his presentation as majestic with irrefutable evidence. And still, the leading Southern Baptist at the conference said he could not accept that evidence, not because of theology, but because it required big government and economic solutions to which his denomination was opposed.
McLaren writes further: “Watching how religious institutions have behaved in the years since, I’ve come to see the degree to which the religious industrial complex is a wholly owned subsidiary of the global capitalist economy. I now believe our spiritual or religious identities take shape within an even deeper frame, our economic identity.”
McLaren’s book Life After Doom could be described as pessimistic as it explores the many areas of environmental and social destruction human beings are choosing to wreak upon our world. But perhaps the most pessimistic aspect of the book is not his collection of scientific and social evidence of “doom,” but his relevant and sadly open-eyed assessment of how Christians (and other spiritual and religious bodies, yes, but primarily Christians) are at the heart of the problem and are absolutely determined to drag the whole world down with them rather than admit they are wrong. His paraphrase of fundamentalist doctrine states, “At all costs, as a matter of identity, belonging, and survival, we must be right. If it takes the destruction of everything and everyone everywhere to prove us right, then bring it on!”
These early chapters are purposely meant to plunge us into the depths so that we can be truly awake to the “doom” that faces us in a world where we let this corrupted form of fundamentalist Christianity define reality. The rest of the book brings us back up, first by letting us rest at the bottom and then by encouraging us to take action.
For me, chapter 6 on hope was most inspirational, as McLaren addressed the pitfalls of hope. We can allow hope to paralyze us from action. This apathetic view of hope – it can be both good and bad – brings us back around to a focus on love, not hope, as the key value to bring us to a place where we can live through the doom-filled scenarios, even If we cannot stop them.
Chapters 8 and 9 do a remarkable job of reclaiming scripture as “the collective diary of an indigenous people who saw what the colonizer mindset was doing to humanity, to the Earth, and to her creatures.” The redefinition of money as the dominating currency to God’s emphasis through Jesus on love as the ultimate currency may not save us from the “doom” that earlier chapters outline, but it does offer a way to both live through the dark days and, if at all possible, reshape the future: “a new arrangement, a post-colonial and ecological society, a new beloved community that learns what the old arrangement wouldn’t or couldn’t escape.”
As McLaren continues through wise ways to live in current times without falling into irresponsible hope or despair, he maintains a beautiful storytelling style that is present in all of his books. As we read, we find that we get to know him better.
In this book, like so many others, he is talking directly with readers. But also in this book, he makes it explicit with a “dear reader” section in each chapter designed to help readers journal or discuss the feelings that come up as they read. This would make it an excellent book for a group study, as both the comfort of others and the call to action as a group are part of Life After Doom.
Rev. Mary Beene is a pastor at Windsor Presbyterian Church in Windsor, CA and Spiritual Director with Openings: Let the Spirit In.
The Environmental Impact of Russia’s War in Ukraine
On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. The ensuing hostilities have led to hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded, Ukrainian and Russian economic damage, and regional environmental devastation. I am a 26-year US Army veteran and a Presbyterian elder, and I am involved in an ongoing medical ministry to civilians in formerly occupied areas of Ukraine. I have been in conflict zones and participated in medical disaster response for 13 years. This conflict has so much harm to address, but I want to illuminate an overlooked tragedy: the effect of this war on the environment.
Ukraine gained its independence in 1991 during the breakup of the Soviet Union. The new country prioritized manufacturing before the environment, resulting in a significant baseline load of environmental compromise and contamination. Before the war, Ukraine provided one-sixth of the Soviet Union’s manufacturing. After Ukraine’s independence, this emphasis on heavy manufacturing still applied as oligarchs acquired and consolidated industrial assets. This was especially true in the eastern Ukrainian region of the Donbas. Over 600 facilities processed more than 219,000 tons of chemicals each year. As a major agricultural center, Ukraine consumed around 100,000 tons of pesticides yearly. Mining was significant in Donbas, and toxic waste disposal was haphazard. The invasion and the current war have markedly compounded these problems.
When the Russians invaded, the war spread widely over the Ukrainian countryside. Russian and Ukrainian militaries advanced and retreated across almost one-third of Ukraine in the north, east, and south. The movement of heavy vehicles across the countryside and the construction of barriers have disrupted water systems and compacted the soil, impairing soil fertility. Artillery shelling, wildfires, and chemical pollution have affected 30% of Ukraine’s protected nature areas, causing loss of protected animal and plant life through starvation, noise, wildfires, and direct weapons effects.
Chemical contamination from the war will affect the environment and human health for generations. Many industrial sites were directly targeted or suffered collateral damage during ground combat, releasing toxic industrial chemicals, including benzene, toluene, naphthalene, hydrogen sulfide mercaptan, ammonia, and hydrochloric acid. These chemicals have carcinogenic and direct cytotoxic effects. Fuel spills from destroyed vehicles have contaminated the water. Ukraine and several Western European countries have accused Russia of ecocide for these industrial attacks.
Expended ammunition contains a significant amount of heavy metals that contaminate the environment. These metals are directly injected into the soil or the water or are aerosolized and have long-term health effects, especially on children. Currently, one-third of Ukrainian land contains unexploded ordinance. Depleted uranium rounds, which are used by both sides, have cancer-causing potential. This contamination will persist for generations. Elemental metals from artillery shells are still present in the soils of World War I battlefields at levels 50% higher than baseline.
Landmines have been used ubiquitously by both sides for defense. While anti-vehicular mines were mostly placed on or near roads, antipersonnel mines are present anywhere that infantry soldiers may venture. Ukraine is currently the most heavily mined country in the world, with an area the size of North Carolina affected. Last year, the World Bank estimated the cost of mine clearance at $37 billion. Once the fighting has passed from a mined area, the people most at risk are civilians and children.
On June 6, 2023, the Russian army explosively breached the Kharkova Dam near Kherson. The Kharkova Reservoir, built in 1956, contains five trillion gallons of water. The breach flooded downstream areas to a depth of 18 feet, killing hundreds and releasing sediment with toxic chemicals onto fertile farmlands. The floodwater swept away many landmines, which are often laid on top of the ground, and displaced people for many miles. The UN estimated that the dam breach caused $14 billion in damage.
The cumulative environmental disruption will continue to have significant effects on human health. Toxins will contribute to various human diseases such as heavy metal poisoning; direct chemical injury will trigger lung and kidney disease. Many toxins are also carcinogenic and will plague those affected over the coming decades. Like other wars, victims will continue to be tallied for many decades.
The war has also set back Ukraine’s efforts towards a carbon-neutral future. Military vehicles are carbon-intensive, both in their production and use. Seventy-five percent of Ukraine’s wind generation and 50% of its solar generation were decommissioned within the first six months of the war, forcing the country to reopen coal-fired power plants that had been shuttered. Europe’s curtailment of their use of Russian natural gas also encouraged the switch back to coal-fired power plants, increasing the country’s greenhouse gas production. One year ago, it was estimated that the war had generated 175 million tons of CO2, with additional amounts to be generated during reconstruction.
There is no ongoing tabulation of environmental harm caused by the war. Certain areas are inaccessible, and monitoring systems have been damaged or destroyed. Although catastrophic events such as damage to a nuclear reactor have not occurred, the possibility must be considered. The environmental harm is immense, and the consequences will last for generations.
While in Ukraine, I have seen the landscape disrupted, the results of artillery attacks on the land and buildings, and the health effects of a disrupted public health system. It is too early to see the impact of many of the toxic exposures, but those effects will surely come.
What can we do? We can pray for a just end to the conflict. We can support the mitigation of the harms of war and the remediation of damage. We can support a robust reconstruction of Ukraine in an environmentally responsible manner. We can pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia.