Dear Colleagues in Creation Care,
Presbyterians for Earth Care Steering Committee is grateful for
your membership and commitment to caring for Creation. We hope your
Earth Day Sunday will be particularly meaningful to you and others in
your Earth Care community.
We are sharing with you a letter from PEC friends, the Revs. Bruce and Carolyn Gillette. We appreciate their sharing of resources. Please also access the excellent information from NCC Eco-Justice network as you prepare for our Earth Day worship, ritual, recognitions, and celebrations.
We are sharing with you a letter from PEC friends, the Revs. Bruce and Carolyn Gillette. We appreciate their sharing of resources. Please also access the excellent information from NCC Eco-Justice network as you prepare for our Earth Day worship, ritual, recognitions, and celebrations.
Finally, this is one last reminder that Earth Day is both the deadline to make a nomination for an award to be presented at GA, as well as the deadline for membership renewal.

Grace and Peace,
Diane Waddell
Moderator, Presbyterians for Earth Care
Dear Friends,
This coming Sunday, April 22nd, is also Earth Day. Guided by biblical teachings, our Presbyterian Church (USA) constitution (Book of Order) states:
"As stewards of God's creation who hold the earth in trust, the people of God are called to:
Use the earth's resources responsibly without plundering, polluting, or destroying,
Develop technological methods and processes that work together with the earth's environment to preserve and enhance life,
Produce and consume in ways that make available to all people what is sufficient for life,
Work for responsible attitudes and practices in procreation and reproduction,
Use and shape earth's goods to create beauty, order, health, and peace in ways that reflect God's love for all creatures" (W-7.5003).
Click here for a resource, 50 Ways to Care For Earth, from Deleware Interfaith Power and Light that you might want to use as a worship bulletin and/or to email to your church members.
Our Presbyterian General Assembly approved a new major study (free download) titled "The Power to Change: U.S. Energy Policy and Global Warming" that lays out a clear and well documented path toward sustainability and equity to protect future generations.
This coming Sunday, April 22nd, is also Earth Day. Guided by biblical teachings, our Presbyterian Church (USA) constitution (Book of Order) states:
"As stewards of God's creation who hold the earth in trust, the people of God are called to:
Use the earth's resources responsibly without plundering, polluting, or destroying,
Develop technological methods and processes that work together with the earth's environment to preserve and enhance life,
Produce and consume in ways that make available to all people what is sufficient for life,
Work for responsible attitudes and practices in procreation and reproduction,
Use and shape earth's goods to create beauty, order, health, and peace in ways that reflect God's love for all creatures" (W-7.5003).
Click here for a resource, 50 Ways to Care For Earth, from Deleware Interfaith Power and Light that you might want to use as a worship bulletin and/or to email to your church members.
Our Presbyterian General Assembly approved a new major study (free download) titled "The Power to Change: U.S. Energy Policy and Global Warming" that lays out a clear and well documented path toward sustainability and equity to protect future generations.
National church resources:
Rebecca Barnes-Davies [national Presbyterian church staff] Associate for Environmental Ministries (PCUSA)
General Assembly Mission Council - Compassion, Peace & Justice Ministry
100 Witherspoon St, Rm 3221, Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502-569-5624
Toll-free: 888-728-7228, ext 5624
E-mail: Rebecca.Barnes-Davies@pcusa. org
Rebecca Barnes-Davies [national Presbyterian church staff] Associate for Environmental Ministries (PCUSA)
General Assembly Mission Council - Compassion, Peace & Justice Ministry
100 Witherspoon St, Rm 3221, Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502-569-5624
Toll-free: 888-728-7228, ext 5624
E-mail: Rebecca.Barnes-Davies@pcusa.
Web site: ministries/environment/
(author of 50 Ways to Help Save the Earth)
Presbyterians for Earth Care (PEC) index.html
PEC Coordinator: Shantha Ready Alonso
110 Maryland Avenue, Suite 108
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 481-6688
Find us on Facebook.
Follow us on Twitter.
Presbyterians for Earth Care Moderator: Diane Waddell
Local resources: PC(USA) certified Earth Care Congregations will be happy to share ideas.
Here is a link to a theological paper on the understanding of creation by John Calvin (early founder of Presbyterian/Reformed tradition) and the Earth Care Congregation Notebook to show you the practical ways that local Presbyterian congregations are seeking to care for creation.
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette’s hymns with earth care themes can be found on the national web sites of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Sojourners, National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, Church World Service, United Methodist Church, Humane Society in the United States and used by many congregations in the USA and overseas. You can find them at lect_earthcare.html
This summer, Mid-Atlantic Synod Presbyterian Men’s Conference’s theme is on caring for creation: conference-2012.cfm
Blessings on you and your care of God’s creation.
Grace and Peace,
Bruce & Carolyn Gillette, Pastors
Limestone Presbyterian Church, 3201 Limestone Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19808-2198
Office Phone: (302) 994-5646 Church website:
Home Phone: (302)-994-0220 Email:
(author of 50 Ways to Help Save the Earth)
Presbyterians for Earth Care (PEC)
PEC Coordinator: Shantha Ready Alonso
110 Maryland Avenue, Suite 108
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 481-6688
Find us on Facebook.
Follow us on Twitter.
Presbyterians for Earth Care Moderator: Diane Waddell
Local resources: PC(USA) certified Earth Care Congregations will be happy to share ideas.
Here is a link to a theological paper on the understanding of creation by John Calvin (early founder of Presbyterian/Reformed tradition) and the Earth Care Congregation Notebook to show you the practical ways that local Presbyterian congregations are seeking to care for creation.
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette’s hymns with earth care themes can be found on the national web sites of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Sojourners, National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, Church World Service, United Methodist Church, Humane Society in the United States and used by many congregations in the USA and overseas. You can find them at
This summer, Mid-Atlantic Synod Presbyterian Men’s Conference’s theme is on caring for creation:
Blessings on you and your care of God’s creation.
Grace and Peace,
Bruce & Carolyn Gillette, Pastors
Limestone Presbyterian Church, 3201 Limestone Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19808-2198
Office Phone: (302) 994-5646 Church website:
Home Phone: (302)-994-0220 Email:
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