Dear Fellow Sojourners in this Ecology of Resurrection,
A word for this beautiful post-Easter week is certainly gratitude. As we have witnessed the beauty of the birthing of Spring and the miracle of the Resurrection, I am reminded of my gratitude for God's fullness and generosity.
A word for this beautiful post-Easter week is certainly gratitude. As we have witnessed the beauty of the birthing of Spring and the miracle of the Resurrection, I am reminded of my gratitude for God's fullness and generosity.
I am also reminded of your dedication and ministry in working to care for this sacred creation. We work to co-create; to co-cultivate...with compassion.
As Bill Brown reminded us in his Easter meditation,...
As Bill Brown reminded us in his Easter meditation,...
"Resurrection is organic, and the results are beyond measure. Without the seed there would be no mighty cedar, no majestic redwood, no mustard bush. New creation emerges out of the shell of a seed, out of the ground of refuse and decay...
'There is something boldly bodily about Christ’s resurrection. And there is something quite cosmic about it as well. As our living bodies reflect the evolutionary legacy of life in all its interdependence and as the molecules of our bodies become dispersed in death and shared with future generations of life, then resurrection cannot be limited to the raising up of human life. Resurrection’s scope includes all of life, for resurrection is the forerunner to the new creation, to the cosmic banquet by which all life will be sustained.
'The empty tomb is not empty. It is fully charged with the renewing, transforming, healing power of God at work out in the world. The empty tomb points to the feast of grace."
Grace and the deep peace of the rich soil of with you as we rejoice...and continue to dedicate ourselves to "Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice"!
Alleluia. Amen.
Diane Waddell
Presbyterians for Earth Care
Alleluia. Amen.

Presbyterians for Earth Care
Three friendly earth care reminders:
1. The NCC is hosting a webinar on Fracking this Thursday at 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT. Sign up by the end of the day Tuesday to join.
2. Check out excellent NCC Resources for Earth Day Sunday, coming up on April 22.
3. We also remind you that Earth Day is the designated membership renewal day for PEC....please renew your membership and 'gift' someone else with a membership as well!
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