Dear Friends,
Members of the Steering Committee of Presbyterians for Earth Care gathered at Heartland Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center near Kansas City, Missouri late in October. Heartland Center sits nestled in the Missouri River bluffs, greeting them with multiple arrays of solar panels. Thanks to Heartland Earthkeepers for providing hospitality.
We welcome two new Steering Committee members, Curt Karns, who
also serves as Executive Presbyter of Yukon Presbytery, and Kathleen Dove, an
environmental planner in Orange County, CA. We send our thanks and
gratitude to two Steering Committee members who have transitioned off, Fred
Milligan and Mary Roberts. Fred worked diligently in areas of development
and as a liaison to Eco-Stewards as an At-Large Representative. Mary
served faithfully as Pacific Regional Representative before Kathleen accepted
the position.
Curt is the current Northwest Regional Representative, as Holly
Hallman transitioned from that position to the Vice Moderator position.
Jane Laping, previous Vice Moderator, has accepted the position of
Coordinator. We are very thankful for their gifts of leadership as we
move forward.
The Steering Committee reaffirmed our commitment to care for
Creation through prayer, word, and hard work. We are dedicating our time in
areas of reflective leadership, as we examine ways of increasing our advocacy
and witness. Our challenge is to work for eco-justice not only to a
national and international audience, but very importantly now…at local and
state levels. Our voices need to be heard!!
Join us!!! Pray, speak out, and serve as a part of our
collective witness. We need you! All Creation needs you!
Diane Waddell
PEC Moderator
PEC Moderator