Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dear PEC Members and Friends,

Announcing --- our third PEC Update for 2011!!

This Update is partially a reflection of our 2011 Conference at Highlands Conference Center, “Too Big to Fail? A Conversation among Faith, Science, and Culture.” The conference was informative, energizing, and truly transformative. We are grateful to all who participated!

Many thanks as well to all who were a part of producing this Update. We particularly hold up Jenny Holmes, immediate past PEC moderator, who planned the edition and gathered the articles, as well as Will Layton, Eco-Justice Fellow, NCC Eco-Justice Office, who edited and prepared the layout.

The final Update for the year is underway. It will be in a different format, as we are offering an Advent/Christmas Devotional. There will be a weekly devotional reading for each week of Advent plus one for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It will come both through electronic media as well as printed format.

The Earth is greatly in need of our care-giving now, and many advocacy issues ‘out there’ needing our attention. There is much in the way of eco-justice and social justice to do.

Strength and wisdom to you in your journey of Earth care.

In hope and faith,

Diane Waddell
Presbyterians for Earth Care

New PEC Steering Committee

Dear friends in the Presbyterian earth-care community (and beyond),

Greetings from the Steering Committee of PEC. Our 'new' steering committee is on board and working towards offering excellent leadership for the future. I am certainly boosted by the amazing energy and dedication of others in the Executive Committee -- Jane Laping, Vice Moderator and Sue Smith, Treasurer. Jane has served as an at-large member and has certainly served PEC well as chair of the fundraising and membership committees. Sue has been exceptional in her work as treasurer. We officially welcome our new regional representatives, Andrew Plocher (SE Representative) from the Bethesda, Maryland area, Holly Hallman (NW Representative) from the Seattle area, and Ann Owen (SW Representative) from Little Rock, Arkansas. Additionally, Fred Milligan from Traverse City, Michigan has recently joined us as an at-large member of the Steering Committee. To learn more about our Steering Committee members, visit the PEC website.

I am also grateful as well for our very organized and forward-thinking coordinator, Shantha Ready Alonso. You have met William Layton in our last e-blast who is volunteering as a fellow in the NCC Eco-Justice Office until next July. (Hurray for volunteers!!)

Our conference at Highlands Conference Center was excellent, not only through education and information shared about eco-justice in MANY ways but also through beautiful, meaningful worship, excellent field trips, and lots of networking. We are so grateful to everyone who planned, participated, and became a deeper part of our community.

Overall, there is MUCH to do. It is a great feeling to be part of such an organization as this which can make such an impact on both environmental and social justice issues. PLEASE do keep in touch with us, particularly as you note projects, plans, and advocacy needs mentioned on the e-blasts. We DO need your input as we move forward together in this beautiful but fragile world.

From "For the Earth and Her Creatures", a prayer by Marjorie J. Thompson, from Prayers for the New Social Awakening: Inspired by the New Social Creed, edited by Christian Iosso and Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty:

Merciful Lord, open our ears to the groaning of creation:
glaciers melting into a rising sea,
polar bears swimming to exhaustion in search of ice,
wetlands drying to parched cracks,
songbirds seeking ancient sanctuaries in vain,
coral reefs bleaching in polluted waters,
whales beaching themselves in despair.

Awaken us, Good Lord, to our responsibility
for this earth over which you made us stewards . . .

In the name of the One through and for whom
all things have been created,
and in whom all things hold together.

The Peace and Passion of Christ be with you all,
Diane Waddell
Moderator, Presbyterians for Earth Care