Monday, April 22, 2013

PEC's Spring Update

Dear PEC friends,

Eastertide blessings and Earth Day greetings to you all.  Although spring is off to a bumpy start this year, God's consistent grace holds us with reminders of renewal and resurrection. I am grateful for your maintaining hope and courage through these times of challenge for creation and climate.

I am also grateful for the PEC Update team (Abby Mohaupt, editor) and all those who contributed to the Spring issue of the Update.  It is bright, creative, and commanding! Please click here to view the Update online.

Inside this issue, you will find a preview of plenary themes for PEC’s 2013 Conference by Dr. Larry Rasmussen, a reflection by Sam Hamilton-Poore, Earth Day resources, an article on advocacy work by Katie Preston, a piece by former Young Adult Volunteer Lauren Wright, thoughts on the Keystone Rally by Abby Mohaupt, a thank you to all of our 2012 donors, and more! Click here to view the entire issue.

In gratitude for renewal and hope,
Diane Waddell

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Care for God’s Earth: Get your PEC Update by e-mail

Dear Creation Caretakers,

As an organization, Presbyterians for Earth Care works to protect and preserve God's earth through advocacy as well as in our operations. The PEC Update, our quarterly newsletter, has been published in a paper format since 1995.  If you would prefer to receive the Update by e-mail rather than the paper edition in your mailbox, please complete this form

We want to make wise use of the financial resources that you provide to PEC. Layout, printing, and mailing of the PEC Update are a significant portion of our budget. Paper copies of the PEC Update are a better option in some situations, but if you would prefer to receive yours by email, just fill out this form.


For almost daily updates from PEC, look at the Presbyterians for Earth Care Facebook Page. If you haven’t already, join more than 1250 people who “like” us on Facebook! You can also write a recommendation about PEC on our Facebook page 

Detailed information about PEC, our advocacy platform and upcoming conference is always available on our website,  No matter how you choose to communicate, let’s keep in touch!

Jane Laping
PEC Vice-Moderator

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Renew your PEC membership by April 22!

Dear Friend of Presbyterians for Earth Care,

As you read this Membership Renewal reminder, we can report to you that many PEC members and leaders were a part of the 50,000 plus who gathered on the Mall in Washington, D.C. for the Forward on Climate Change rally to bring public pressure on the President and Congress to end the Keystone XL pipeline project.

Opportunities like this to network with others who care for God’s Creation are what make your membership in PEC valuable. With your support PEC can continue coordinating educational and inspirational conferences and advocacy events that shape our conversation about and practice of environmental stewardship.

For example, on June 1-8, young adults will gather in Portland, Oregon for another of a series of events in our on-going effort to develop a new generation of leaders in the church by helping them to connect faith and Earth care concerns in the Eco-Stewards program.     

Also, on October 16-19,  PEC members will gather at the Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in Arkansas to be inspired by noted sustainability leaders addressing the topic “Ethical Earth Care: Keeping Creation Sacred”. This conference, like all PEC events, creates a community of support and a network of renewal for those of us actively engaged in faithful witness to creation care. Please visit for more details and early bird registration.

At our Steering Committee retreat last fall we were inspired by new plans to listen carefully to our membership for ways we might best bring the resources of our national network to bear to help your voice be heard both locally and nationally. Additionally, we are committed to be a resource for ways to articulate the connection of our faith with Earth care concerns from our Presbyterian/reformed perspective and to continue to strengthen and build partnerships with other PC(USA), ecumenical, and religious groups who share our concern for the planet.
We are grateful for your previous support and remind you that PEC memberships are due for renewal on Earth Day, April 22. You may renew your membership online by clicking here.

Any additional gifts you may choose to provide above the basic membership contribution are also greatly appreciated and will be put to good use to achieve our shared goals. 

Yours in Christ, 
Diane Waddell
PEC Moderator