October Actions for Food Justice
“Good and gracious God, You are gathering this community from across the earth, asking us to pour out our lives on behalf of those who hunger. For hope. For justice. For daily bread…”[i]
In “A Green New Deal for Food and Farming”, Ahna Kruzic, Communications Director of Pesticides Action Network North America says, ”Globally, today’s food and agriculture systems are responsible for more climate change-contributing emissions than the world’s cars, trucks, planes, and trains combined. At the same time, we’re confronted with evidence that climate change is wreaking havoc on agricultural production—and unraveling systems of the natural world that have evolved over millennia to create a habitable planet.
The Green New Deal, a non-binding resolution that calls for dramatic shifts in our economy to carbon-neutralize the U.S. by 2030, highlights ‘working collaboratively with farmers and ranchers in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector.’ This is a very good idea.”
The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) and Presbyterians for Earth Care agree with Ahna and are co-sponsoring the Food Week of Action, October 13-20, 2019. The vision is “a world where everyone has enough affordable, healthy and culturally appropriate food, where no one is hungry, and where all who work in the food chain are fairly compensated, respected and celebrated.”
PHP has identified three action areas for 2019:
The Green New Deal, a non-binding resolution that calls for dramatic shifts in our economy to carbon-neutralize the U.S. by 2030, highlights ‘working collaboratively with farmers and ranchers in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector.’ This is a very good idea.”

PHP has identified three action areas for 2019:
- CLIMATE JUSTICE: The climate crisis calls for action at every level — personal, institutional, national and global.
- FAMINE: The resurgence of famine and extreme hunger in several parts of the world requires a rapid response.
- FOOD SOVEREIGNTY: Actions to expand agroecology, food justice, and food sovereignty, cool the planet and meet people’s need for sustenance, livelihoods, and agency.
You and your congregation can observe the Global Food Week of Action including World Food Day on October 16, International Day for Rural Women on October 15, and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17. PHP has provided numerous resources on their website to help you plan and carry out actions. For example, see:
- Just Transition: A Framework for Change from the Climate Justice Alliance
- Agroecology: Putting Food Sovereignty into Action from Why Hunger
- Food Sovereignty for All: Overhauling Our Food System with Faith-Based Initiatives Guide from PHP
- Just Eating? Practicing Our Faith at the Table curriculum from PHP
Please share what your congregation is doing with a photo and PEC will post on our Facebook page. Send to pec@presbyearthcare.org
“…Gather us together so that we may remind each other of your intent for this earth. Gather us so that we may pour out our lives in Christ’s name, as Christ does on behalf of those who hunger. For hope. For justice. For daily bread. So that it will be on earth as it is in heaven. For now and for always.“
“…Gather us together so that we may remind each other of your intent for this earth. Gather us so that we may pour out our lives in Christ’s name, as Christ does on behalf of those who hunger. For hope. For justice. For daily bread. So that it will be on earth as it is in heaven. For now and for always.“
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