The latest PEC Update is here. Click here to access it in PDF Format.
During a recent conference call of the Steering Committee, members were asked to share their hopes for PEC and for Earthkeeping. Hopes included growth for PEC as well as deepening our relationship with our partner groups. Yet one person found these times of climate change too challenging to find hope. At that time we were reminded of the words of Dr. Bill Brown, who led our worship at our 2011 PEC Conference and said that “Hope finds us.”
So in that sense, embracing humility and faith, we come, with gratitude.
We come, in early 2012, to seek and share…
Refreshment and Rebirth as we look toward Resurrection (especially noting Bill Brown’s Easter message in PEC’s Lenten devotion on the ‘ecology of resurrection’.)
We come, looking toward…
Renewal and Re-commitment …through Earth Day (April 22) and the springing forth of newness in creation in the season of spring itself.
We come, inviting you to
Reconnect with PEC through networking such as with our Regional Representatives who are sending emails to members in their regions
And we invite you
Towards Reunion with us at General Assembly.
I have just returned from a partnership trip of Heartland Presbytery representatives to Maya Quiche Presbytery in Guatemala. I was able to connect in both social and environmental justice arenas. I toured and interviewed the owners of a sustainable coffee plantation (Finca Santa Elena) and hiked through a lush jungle area in northern Guatemala. (Each were both earth-embracing and educational events.) They represented a welcome stretch of my physical borders to embrace both these gifts of creation. I invite you likewise, this season and beyond, to stretch your virtual borders (and/or com-fort zones) and to renew your personal creation care commitments.
For example…
- Follow up the invitation of the Regional Reps to find ways to connect and re-connect with PEC (by volunteering to be on a committee or through financial support or expanding your earth care endeavors).
- Invite fellow Presbyterians to join PEC – or gift them with a membership!
- Share our Lenten Devotional
- Plan early for a memorable Earth Day 2012!
- Research and connect more with the issues highlighted in this Update
- Join us for GA
- And much, much more!!
I am grateful to all who have been a part of this issue, including Update coordinators Abby Mohaupt (Editor) and Holly Hallman. Thanks to Karen Turney who has represented the Advocacy Committee in submitting a timeline of environmental advocacy in the past several issues. Thanks as well to our GA partners represented, including Bill Somplatsky-Jarman and Rebecca Barnes-Davies.
I am grateful for each of you as you work for Earth-keeping …through Recommitment and Reconnection…
In Renewal and Hope,Diane Waddell
Presbyterians for Earth Care
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