Our Update this month is an Advent Devotional with a new twist: integrating the mysterious beauty of Advent (and Christmas) with the mystery and beauty of Creation. Through this PEC devotional, we invite you to experience Advent through your spirit, heart, mind, and your senses – and to experience it deeply. Click here to read the Advent devotional.
You might take a few moments daily to reflect on the devotional offering for the week (or day). Consider the reflection inwardly, breathing in and out with a sense of birth/rebirth.
Experience the star(s) in a deep way, knowing that we are all stardust, knowing that we are all part of the mystery.
Experience the star(s) in a deep way, knowing that we are all stardust, knowing that we are all part of the mystery.
Recall St. Francis of Assisi's words..."Most High, all powerful, all good Lord. All praise is Yours, all glory, all honor and all blessings...Praise be You my Lord with all your creatures...Brother Sun...Sister Moon...Brothers Wind, Air, and Fire...Sister Water... Praised be you, my Lord through our Sister, Mother Earth who sustains and governs us..." (Canticle of the Sun.)
Consider creating a special space at a table and adding some elements from Earth that symbolize soil, water, air, and the other amazing animals that share this planet. Add those to symbols which you hold most sacred in your relationship to Christ: a cross, Bible, meaningful texts, pictures. Add elements which contain fragrance such as pine branches as well as different textures -- a bowl or pitcher of water (or a picture of snow), a candle, feathers, maybe in white to represent a dove.
Invite others into your special space this Advent—especially children and youth—as you share gratitude for Christ and Creation. The space may be your heart or your table space. It may be in person or through a letter, email, or prayer. Breathe in the opportunity for deepening relationships with others, as well as with Creation.

Many thanks to those persons who have written a reflection for this version of the "Update.” Particularly, I want to thank our new newsletter editor-in-training, Abby Mohaupt. Abby is a student at McCormick Theological Seminary with an emphasis in Environmental Theology. We appreciate the skills she brings to this volunteer position, along with her enthusiasm, graciousness, and energy.
We are sharing this Update both in printed version and through e-mail. Each week of Advent, we will send you the reflection, as well as the daily reflection for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Click here to read the Advent devotional.
May the blessings of Christ and the richness of Creation be with you,
Diane Waddell
Moderator, Presbyterians for Earth Care
Moderator, Presbyterians for Earth Care
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