Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Summers at Ferncliff: Embracing Sustainability and Creation Care


By Joel Gill

Each summer, I have the incredible opportunity to see our mission in action at Ferncliff, a camp dedicated to sustainability and Creation care. As an advocate for environmental stewardship, I have been thrilled to witness and participate in the many "green" initiatives that Ferncliff has implemented over the years.

Ferncliffs commitment to the environment is evident in many aspects of our operations. A decade ago, we won the Sustaining the Rock” award and were recognized as Little Rocks greenest” non-profit. Since then, we have become green camp certified.

One of the most impressive aspects of Ferncliffs sustainability efforts is our use of geothermal heating and cooling. The conference center and most of the youth camp are powered by geothermal units located in both lakes. This innovative approach significantly reduces the camps carbon footprint.

Ferncliffs commitment to renewable energy is also evident in the four separate solar arrays with over 100 solar panels. These solar installations, combined with energy efficiency retrofits on several buildings and programmed thermostats, ensure that electricity use is minimized. We also just installed our first electric vehicle charging station.

Campers at Ferncliff are encouraged to conserve electricity and water and reduce waste. Food scraps are composted and used to enrich the soil in the garden farm area. Recycling is a major priority, with bins readily available throughout the camp.

Our mission is to welcome people to a life of caring for Creation, others, and themselves as an expression of Gods love. We see this mission statement lived out in all of our summer camp programs. Campers can be found throughout camp exploring nature and learning about Creation care. I love to see campers exploring the Farmstead and learning about the animals and plant life in our vegetable and pollinator gardens. From exploring the Blue Hole, where they learn about native aquatic plants and wildlife, to hikes on our numerous trails, campers are immersed in nature and encouraged to explore and learn through play.

Exploration of nature and learning through play is also central to the Ferncliff Nature Preschool. The preschool was founded at Ferncliff in 2016 by Rachel Parker, who was recently named the 2024 Outstanding Environmental Educator for Formal Education by the Arkansas Environmental Education Association. The program has been wildly successful and has grown yearly since its inception. The school focuses on mindfulness, curiosity, asking questions bigger than ourselves, and caring for creatures and nature with a heavy emphasis on play-based learning in nature.

One of the most exciting projects currently underway at Ferncliff is a stream restoration initiative. Historically, a man-made lake with a dam has been a central feature of the camp. However, over time, the lake has filled with sediment, impacting the natural flow of nutrients and aquatic connectivity. We plan to remove the dam and restore the stream, enhancing the habitat for birds and wildlife and creating a more vibrant ecosystem. This project, in collaboration with state agencies and environmental groups, is set to begin in the summer of 2026.

Ferncliffs efforts to care for the earth extend beyond its physical infrastructure. It strives to inspire campers and guests to think about ways to conserve and reduce their environmental footprint both at camp and at home. By viewing earth care as an active form of worship, Ferncliff instills a sense of responsibility and joy in all who visit.

As we look to the future, projects like Ferncliffs stream restoration are a powerful example for other camps and churches within our denomination. We have a collective responsibility to care for the earth, and by taking on significant environmental projects, we can create a ripple effect of positive change.

Please visit Ferncliff's website to learn more about its sustainability initiatives and how you can support them. Lets work together to make our world a better place, one green initiative at a time.

Joel Gill currently serves as the Executive Director of Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center. Ferncliff is a nonprofit organization located just ten miles west of Little Rock, Arkansas.  Ferncliff was founded in 1937 as a place for youth and adults to gather and experience creation in community with one another. Over the years, Fercliff has grown into a multi-faceted organization that has branched in many ways beyond a typical camp and conference center. Today, Ferncliff includes a thriving summer camp program, a retreat and conference center, nature preschool, disaster assistance center, and a Good360 Community Distribution Center.


Joel joined the staff of Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in 2011 as the Program Director and was promoted to Executive Director in 2017. Joel is a native of Arkansas and a graduate of Austin College. His work experience, which includes various camps and youth development organizations throughout the United States, has provided an excellent foundation to lead the team at Ferncliff. Joel attributes his time spent at Arkansas 4-H Center and Heifer International with giving him a valuable perspective on the importance of organizations, such as Ferncliff, on the campers we connect with each year and the business and corporate community. In all aspects of his work Joel is always focused on promoting the Ferncliff mission of welcoming people into a life of caring for Creation, others and themselves. Joel has served on the board of the Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association, including a stint as President.  He enjoys trail running, watching his four kids play sports, and kicking around new ideas. Joel believes Ferncliff is a perfect place to work to fulfill his passion for connecting people to God through experiences in nature while also satisfying his need to be creative and give back to others.

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